
For all the teenagers out there, let me educate you on the various types of bullying out there. You may think you know how to handle bullying in the best ways as possible, yet you need a little more boost.

1. Physical Bullying

  • This is the most obvious form of bullying. This involves physical activity like Hitting someone else with either fist, feet or any other body part. Many kid feel physical bullying is the best way to bully someone else.
2. Verbal Bullying

  • This is common in bullying. When you use verbal bullying you use damaging language to harm someone else. Bullies who use verbal techniques continuously tease others. They say belittling things to harm someone Else's feelings.
As a teenager you feel you have to look better than everyone else to make it in high school. But you don't. If people do not like you for who you are, then that is their lost. You should not have to change for someone else. There is still no guarantee you would be accepted. Why not be someone you truly are. That is the hardest things for people to do. Be yourself.

Bullies usually feel like they have to be rude and disrespectful towards others to become "popular". who should say someone is popular. Someone who makes you feel like crap? someone who is only rude to you in front of their friends? Of course not! popular people are the ones who are encouraging and have good hearts. High school is really a big game. Are you going to loose and get sucked into the drama?

As teenagers we are growing older and beginning to experience new things. Teenagers are role models and we need to stick together.  Bullying someone is selfish and is simply improper. Teens tend to not think before they talk, or think before they hit someone. Watch this video below, about a bully who was ganging up on a person way older than he. The boy snapped back and did the unthinkable.


Answer these questions when done viewing the video. Email me or post your comments: (optional)

1. Was the video funny?
2. Was the boy wrong for body slamming the kid?
3. Do you think it was appropriate for the kids to be recording  the incident?
4. What would you do if you were there?

Please have honest answers.  just submit your answers preferably to my email so its private. Please no name unless you want to.

Email: ashanti.muhammad15@hotmail.com

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